Listen to episode 104 now!
Welcome once more to another week of pop culture talk radio at it's absolute best*.
This week we welcome writer Sean Mckeever to the Monster Cave**. You've read his work in DC's 'Countdown', 'Birds of Prey' and 'Teen Titans' and Marvel's 'Gravity', 'Mary Jane' and 'Nomad: Girl Without a World' as well as many others. He is also well known for his creator owned series 'The Waiting Place'. Join us as we chat with Sean about 24 hour comics, writing teenagers and his new series from Marvel 'Young Allies' which hits stands today.
We'll also be gearing up for our Jonah Hex premiere on Friday, talking about all the new comics at Strange Adventures and the fact that we REALLY ARE SELLING WMD T-SHIRTS!!!
Check you out on Wednesday,
*According to some.
**Monster Cave and all related indicia are TM and © of their respective owners. All rights reserved.